Monday, 6 July 2009

I'm Back !

It has been a few months since i write my previous post. Things change so fast. I have started working and have chosen my direction for 2 years. Not too sure that I have made the right choice but since I have chosen this path I will make sure I gain something from it.

Miss the good old days where I can hang out with my friends anytime I want to. Miss the time where I can have a good night sleep. Now I understand why people keep saying the best time in one life is when we are studying especially when we are attending college and university. Miss my time in UK where I can go around just by my 2 legs without complaining the distance.

How I wish I could still travel around Europe. There are a lot more countries there which I wanted to visit.

Once I started working, no more fantasy land for me. Sad but that is the reality. We just have to change the way we think so that we will live our life to the fullest even if it is not the live that we have dreamt of when we are young. Working hard towards it :)


Friday, 6 March 2009

Habit of Reading

I have bought this book in 2001, when i was still studying in my secondary school... the author- Chuah Guat Eng came to our school and talk to us about ways to improve our writing. I bought the book that on that day and got her signature on it too...
I seldom read books which are not related to my studies. It is rare to see me holding novels or even magazines. After I bought this book, I forced myself to complete it. But I didn't not until just now...

Since I got nothing to do lately , while waiting for job offer, I opened my cupboard and found this book. I have picked up the habit of reading story books when I was in UK. My housemates (pikkay, peifen, michelle, and rebecca) love reading... and some can finish one whole book in a day or in fact in just a few hours. Life in UK is different from Malaysia, but when we are chatting around, I found out that my housemates get to know lots of things which is related to UK from the story books they read... I was amazed and felt ashamed for not reading books. and so I started to read... In the begining, my reading speed is super slow... but as i read i gain momentum... But then I found out that is not easy to get books that is interesting... If the starting of the book is boring, I couldn't get myself to finish the book...
So i feel that it is important to choose the right book to read ...

Back to Echoes of Silence.... recommended book from me... I have just finish reading it and some of the plots in the books is unpredictable... the whole book talks about a chinese lady, Ai Lian, her love, life, family, a murder and the unavoidable situation during the Japanese occupation in Malaya...

A very very nice book.... the author is reprinting the book this year but the cover will be green in color... I still prefer the cover above...

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland)


传统的家(Hezlett House)。。。。


Queen University

Mussenden Temple

这一趟的旅行‘灾难’还蛮多的,我们因为gprs的settings错误而miss掉了飞机。但还好过后一切顺畅,那里的host是朋友的同事, 他们会煮好好吃的食物,很合我胃口,到现在还想念着他们的天津蛋饼和红烧猪肉。。。

高粱(45% 和55%酒精)






服务人员的态度好好,是值得我们学习的。在马来西亚的服务人员很少会和我们打招呼,有的甚至还脸臭臭,好像我们上辈子欠了他似的,非得给钱他赚。一声hello, 并不难说吧!hehe, 所以会长发现出国留学的人回来后都好有礼貌(大部分是这样)。我觉得 hello 和 thank you 的文化应融入社会里,这样在繁忙的生活里我们还可感受到人间的温暖。你觉得呢?当有人跟你说hello 和 thank you 你会佛觉得心情也开朗起来了呢?terima kasih, 谢谢。。。

说说天气吧!我只在英国度过了夏天,马来西亚的宝宝们对夏天一点也不陌生但英国的夏天对我来说还是冷了点。只有十多度好像金马伦的天气但那里的强风可是‘恐怖’。。。 雨伞在那里并不能正真发挥功能,所以雨衣成了必带的物品。我一向来都怕冷还好有朋友在那儿生活,所谓在家靠父母,出外靠朋友,感激他们的陪伴和帮助我们家也因此多了棉被和暖炉。虽然宿舍有提供但我的暖炉并不暖。。。那里独天优厚的条件使花儿奔放,路边的话都是美美和大大朵的。



Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Happiness is everything

Haven't been writing for a long long time.... lots of things happen and some decisions were made ...
heheeh Congrats to those who pass in ACCA ... yeah ... we did it :) finally...
and for those who didn't , i am sure u will do better the next time ....

hmmm... i am still waiting for an offer letter before i can shout out loud that I got a job which I wanted badly before I graduate... but half way through the process I am lost and thinking to get back to audit line and now I am still lost but heheh forcing myself to focus hard ....

hmmm just have to belief one will succeed if one work hard in things that one do ... no matter wat job one choose to start with

Some job might have better job security but I think the most important thing is to be happy in whatever you do ....

I will continue to wait .... heheeh

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Its a big big world

Happy New Year.... wink wink...
Is 2009 and I am still jobless....
The real world is not a good place to be in...
Is a scary world out there... Unpredictable people and things happening around us ...
The society is ill crimes are everywhere ...
Wishes all my dear friends to be safe n happy ...

gambateh everyone ...
The world will be a better place if everyone is friendly and kind :)